电影《闻香识女人》那段舞蹈是我美国老师MRPaul Pellicoro编排的舞蹈
0eJqDCmH Since 1985, this dynamic pair has contributed enormously to the tremendous resurgence of partner dancing in Manhattan and across the nation.
{"rYlN7, Renown for their work in films, Paul and Eleny have extensive film experience both as performers and choreographers.
In the early 1990s, they came to national attention when they trained Academy Award winner Al Pacino for his sizzling tango scene in the hit movie, Scent of a Woman
E4}MU}C#[ 2!@ER i 阿根廷探戈自成一格,是我最喜欢的舞蹈之一
Paul Pellicoro和他的舞伴在
跳阿根廷探戈 hYvWD.c} [此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-2 12:12:19编辑过]