I was born and raised in Mainland, China. Right now, I am living in the United States.
N gF7$@S gyAJ#N| Every once in a while, I can see people walking their St. Bernard dogs in the park.
[G$ #jUt/O 5xdeuBEY8 The St. Bernard Dog is a very large breed of dog, a working dog from the Swiss Alps, originally bred for rescue.
?lD)J?j `OMX 9i The average weight of the breed is between 64-120 kg or more, the average height is 70-91 cm.
]Pe>T& [yN+(^i Country of Origin: Italy/Switzerland
WC<[<uI* _?O' A" Health: Due to the likelihood of health problems in later years, the average lifespan for a St. Bernard is around
;@qS#7SRB 8 years.
gQ0,KYmI3_ ,uC-^T
|n Temperament: Like all very large dogs, must be well socialized with people and other dogs in order to prevent
Skci;4T( fearfulness and any possible aggression or territoriality. The biggest threat to small children is being knocked over by it.
7\%JJw6h %f&Y= Overall they are loyal and affectionate.
YOLzCnI4 ni{'V4A I am curious about Wen Zheng's 2 St. Bernard dogs. How long were they with Wen Zheng? They need a lot of
H@@ 4n%MK proper food, exercise and attention.
asYk#;z\" ~)_Nh Does Wen Zheng still think of them from time to time? Wen Zheng seems like a sensitive gentleman.
\ZADY.ha Some people get very attached to their pets.
[ 此帖被bamboo70在2010-06-25 05:03重新编辑 ]