E}qW' m/E$0tf O%Hc%EfG Qk5pRoL_ Eyes On Me - 王菲
?**9hu\BG 词:染谷和美
Jam&Rj, 曲:植松伸夫
}Mv$Up Whenever sang my songs
< On the stage on my own
r]+/"~a Whenever said my words
L 1e Wishing they would be heard
0pfgE=9 I saw you smiling at me
I-glf?F) Was it real or just my fantasy
x^sSAI( You'd always be there in the corner
PH1jN?OEwZ Of this tiny little bar
]?un'$%e My last night here for you
fpPB_P{Ua same old songs just once more
U))2?# My last night here with you
J]AkWEiCJ Maybe yes maybe no
$c1zMkY)u I kind of liked it your way
\86:f<)P How you shyly placed your eyes on me
GZq~Pl Oh did you ever know
7M.TLV!f] That I had mine on you
t>KvR!+`g Darling so there you are
BE$Wj;Q With that look on your face
d~QZcR As if you're never hurt
z JBcz, As if you're never down
4{v?<x8 Shall I be the one for you
;#/Uo8 Who pinches you softly but sure
If frown is shown then
XI5TVxo(q I will know that you are not dreamer
q2{Aq[ So let me come to you
h 2QJQ|7a Close as I wanted to be
jtH>&O Close enough for me
evQk,;pIm To feel your heart beating fast
F!RzF7h1 And stay there as I whisper
hJc^NU5 How I love you peaceful eyes on me
;5dA Did you ever know
n1Z*wMwC That I had mine on you
SuJa?VU1w Darling so share with me
ABIQi[A Your love if you have enough
qx'F9I Your tests if you're holding back
O$*\JL Or pain if that s what it is
_xz>O[unf How can I let you know
`Q1;Y I'm more than the dress and the voice
Tfytc$aQ Just reach me out then
:OKU@l| You will know that you're not dreaming
[G<SAWFg7 Darling so there you are
ZUd*[\F~! With that look on your face
s$3WJ'yr As if you're never hurt
e;^i,& As if you're never down
=XhxD<kI Shall I be the one for you
0l'"idra Who pinches you softly but sure
9Od|R"aS| If frown is shown then
^ZD0rp(l I will know that you are not dreamer