- 发帖
- 47686
- 威望
- 167
- 贡献值
- 206
- 好评度
- 195
xWenKY, eeI9[lTw On a wagon bound for market /I`cS%U There's a calf with a mournful eye ?YkO+?}+ High above him there's a swallow sx)$=~o Winging swiftly through the sky KRnB[$3F1 How the winds are laughing E>l#0Zw They laugh with all their might `'G),{ j Laugh and laugh the whole day through $4$?M[ And half the summer's night h8iaJqqvJ Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna O" X!S_R Donna, Donna, Donna, Don :)A.E}G Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna )RAv[U1 Donna, Donna, Donna, Don :|3"H&FWK b.mjQ "Stop complaining", said the farmer ??$i* Who told you a calf to be? uJ|5Ve Why don't you have wings to fly with WL)_8! Like the swallow so proud and free? #"=yQZ6Y How the winds are laughing MYDf`0{$_a They laugh with all their might jt'Y(u]2 Laugh and laugh the whole day through /H\^l.|vk And half the summer's night 4t+/ Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna 323yAF Donna, Donna, Donna, Don =#POMK".6 Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna d!}jdt5% Donna, Donna, Donna, Don Q^1#xBd MQ9M%> Calves are easily bound and slaughtered |h^G $guw Never knowing the reason why +s+PnZ%0V But whoever treasures freedom JhMrm% Like the swallow has learned to fly |(J
?#? How the winds are laughingThey laugh with all their mightLaugh and laugh the whole day throughAnd half the summer's night cdek^/ Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna ~$y#(YbH Donna, Donna, Donna, Don oSu|Yn Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna ${TB2q}% Donna, Donna, Donna, Don J#Ne:Aj_