Part 5 - At the end of each year, I ask myself what I've done with my life. Then wish I could have accounted for it dqz1xQ1
better than with a list of just albums and concerts. L9J;8+ge
Honestly, I feel I should be thinking of doing something else with my life, my private life...(Was there a hint of marriage for one of showbiz's most eligible bachelor? He sat back in his chair, paused. ..Well...yes, she's complained. I really should be thinking about marriage. It's just that I don't feel ready for the commitment." [x$;XqA
Love cheers, delights and occasionally distresses. In the public domain, it is known that he was unmarried up to his kA,4$2_o
early '40s. zKMv7;s?
I hope this is no longer so. Even if so, unrequited love is a wonderful thing to cherish. /&6Q)
"Sometimes with One I love" - American poet Walt Whitman kPedX
Sometimes with one I love I fill myself with rage for fear I effuse )|:8zDuJ
unreturn'd love, &<t79d%{
But now I think there is no unreturn'd love, the pay is certain one 3Tw%W0q
way or another, S5/p=H:
(I loved a certain person ardently and my love was not return'd, 1:5P%$?b
Yet out of that I have written these songs.) *vD/(&pQ1: