nswhYSX QSwT1P'U ;vn0b"Fi3 :)h4SD8Y Eyes On Me - 王菲
}g:'K 词:染谷和美
XXeDOrb 曲:植松伸夫
+]0hSpZ"p Whenever sang my songs
K??jV&Xor On the stage on my own
?~cO\(TY[" Whenever said my words
ezri9\Ju Wishing they would be heard
Q5_ ,`r` I saw you smiling at me
XinKG<3! Was it real or just my fantasy
$4og{ You'd always be there in the corner
=5uhIU0O Of this tiny little bar
*xpPD\{k My last night here for you
~RZN+N same old songs just once more
^==Tv+T9U My last night here with you
i6`( Maybe yes maybe no
%ofq I kind of liked it your way
,wy;7T>ODd How you shyly placed your eyes on me
_,I~1" Oh did you ever know
'Zqt~5=5 That I had mine on you
yN06` = Darling so there you are
ZZc^~ With that look on your face
i+lq:St As if you're never hurt
4ywtE}mp As if you're never down
}P[ Shall I be the one for you
fgHsg@33N Who pinches you softly but sure
q If frown is shown then
17w{hK4o8O I will know that you are not dreamer
Kek%io So let me come to you
UQWv) Close as I wanted to be
-^8OjGat Close enough for me
J%fJF//U To feel your heart beating fast
m |.0$+= And stay there as I whisper
::3[H$ How I love you peaceful eyes on me
_^!C4?2! Did you ever know
c;=St1eoz That I had mine on you
?DnQU"_$ Darling so share with me
0BAZWm Your love if you have enough
>:0N)Pj Your tests if you're holding back
y{XNB}E Or pain if that s what it is
t{B6W)q How can I let you know
H)y_[:[ I'm more than the dress and the voice
M3dUGM Just reach me out then
gLx?0eBBA You will know that you're not dreaming
QX_![|= Darling so there you are
C[+?gQJ[9 With that look on your face
CurU6x1 As if you're never hurt
B =DV!oUg As if you're never down
,eL&Ner Shall I be the one for you
L$ jii Who pinches you softly but sure
0\eSiXs If frown is shown then
#;m^DX QZn I will know that you are not dreamer