What Li did possess was attitude, originality and a proud androgyny that defied Chinese norms. During the tryouts—in which 150,000 contestants were winnowed to 15—Li wore loose jeans and a black button-down shirt, with no make-up and the haircut (and body) of David Bowie during his Space Oddity phase. She auditioned with In My Heart There's Only You, Never Her, an oldie made famous by Taiwan's Liu Wenzheng—a man. In the main competition she sang other songs written for male performers and called herself "a tomboy." For an audience reared on the bubble-gum, lip-gloss standards of Chinese girl pop, Li's disregard for the rule book produced an unfamiliar knee-weakening. Her fans wept openly and frantically shrieked when Li took the stage. The show ruffled feathers among Beijing's commissars. By the final episode, Li and her two remaining rivals had switched their repertoire to patriotic folk songs.
sO) H#G
实际上,李宇春现象早已超越了她的歌声。李宇春所拥有的,是态度、创意和颠覆了中国传统审美的中性风格。在那个从15万人中选出15人的预赛阶段,李宇春身着宽松的牛仔裤与黑色带扣衬衫,素面朝天并带着大卫·鲍伊(David Bowie)在演唱《太空星尘(Space Oddity,1969年发行,译者注)》时的发型和体型登台亮相,演唱了台湾男歌星刘文正的著名老歌《我的心里只有你没有她》。海选过后,李宇春又演唱了许多为男歌手创作的歌曲并说自己“像男生”。对教条的不屑一顾引来超乎意料的反响,每当李宇春登台亮相,她的“粉丝”们总会泪洒现场或是惊声尖叫。在总决选中,李宇春和她的两位竞争对手将原先安排好的曲目换成民歌。
#f(a,,Uu' [此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-6 21:45:55编辑过]