谢谢大家的支持!我还有多编报导和大家分享,可是慢慢来吧。一,我打字很慢,二,我来这里是因为我觉得刘大哥的努力,付出和天份是应该受到褒赞的。当年,他的歌给了我无限的喜悦,往后的三十年(一直到新加坡人民平均寿命八十四)也会如此吧! (Rp5g}b
过去的二十多年,我把他的歌抛到九霄云外。去年年底,我突然想起他,也晓得今年是他六十大寿,希望能把这里[炒]热来为他庆祝一番。 F9tWJJUsr
During my teen years, he brought so much joy and fun into my life. I cherish those moments and hope to re-live them over the next 30 years or so, up to the longevity index of Singapore women. T-lP=KF=
His is a GREAT life, worthy of praise and celebration. His songs embody arches of sparkle, sweetness and the occasional sadness - all symbolic of meaningful living in this wonderful world. All is wonderful.