回帖:25分35秒和37分10秒,文正手舞足蹈,笑颜绽放唱滴那首歌叫什么名字啊,太好听啦,貌似以前都没有听过呢。 我翻開 我儲存的影片檔 用歌詞反推和文正標準的英文發音找到了歌名歌詞 是外國人BadFinger 唱的歌 不錯聽 季節可真細心阿 看的那麼仔細不過 跟唱 風飛飛雲飛飛 一樣應該都是節目表演唱的歌吧~~ thanks.
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTMzNjM3Mzky.html BadFinger- No Matter What
No matter what
No matter what you are
I will always be with you
Doesn't matter what you do girl, oh girl with you
No matter what you do
I will always be around
Won't you tell me what you found girl, oh girl won't you
Knock down the old brick wall, and be a part of it all
Nothing to say, nothing to see, nothing to do
If you would give me all, as I would give it to you
Nothing would be, nothing would be, nothing would be
No matter where you go
There will always be a place
Can't you see in my face girl, oh girl don't you
Knock down the old brick wall, and be a part of it all
Nothing to say, nothing to see, nothing to do
If you would give me all, as I would give it to you
Nothing would be, nothing would be, nothing would be
No matter what you are
I will always be with you
Doesn't matter what you do girl, oh girl want you
Oh girl, you girl, want you
Oh girl, you girl, want you